March 31, 2009


Saat ku pejamkan kedua mataku
Dan kubayangkan
Di sampingmu
Kurasakan slalu
Hangatnya pelukmu itu

Dan ku genggam lembut
kedua tanganmu
Seakan takut kehilanganmu
Kuingin selalu hatimu untukku

Tak ada yang bisa menggantikan dirimu
Tak ada yang bisa membuat diriku
Jauh darimu...

Tak ada yang bisa menggantikan dirimu
Tak ada yang bisa menggantikan cintamu
Tak ada yang bisa menggantikan hatimu
Tak ada yang bisa membuat diriku
Jauh darimu...

March 18, 2009


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March 17, 2009


Beberapa temenku menganjurkan aku untuk nonton film Confessions of a Shopaholic ... Akhirnya semalem aku nonton film itu ... padahal tadinya aku gak tertarik ... aku lebih tertarik film lain ... eh gak di-sangka2 malah temenku yang ngajakin nonton film itu ... Filmnya sih lumayan menghibur lah ... yang jadi Rebecca kocak abissss ...

Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) moves to Manhattan to nurture her shopping addiction and get involved in the New York City magazine world. She has spent almost $1000 in a month, when she discovers a fashionable green scarf, she doesn't have enough money to buy it and borrows money from a man on the street. When she interviews with Luke Brandon, the editor of the magazine Successful Saving, she finds that he is the man from whom she had borrowed money.
Frustrated by her lack of success, she writes drunken letters to Alette magazine and Successful Saving, but she posts each one to the wrong magazine. Nevertheless, Luke Brandon hires her. Then, rather than completing a work assignment, she goes to a clothes sale. When examining an expensive cashmere pullover she realizes that it is 5% cashmere and 95% acrylic. She writes her column, calling herself "the Girl with the Green Scarf".
Impressed, her boss, Luke, invites her to a conference in
Miami and an important ball. While shopping for the ball, Luke asks what she thinks of him. Rebecca says he is a workaholic and not a good investment. At a restaurant, another woman, Alicia, asks Luke to the ball.
Rebecca learns that Luke is the son of the famous socialite Eleonor Sherman and that he knows a lot about clothes. At the ball the two share a romantic moment on the roof.
Rebecca returns home to confrontations with a bill collector and her best friend Suze, who makes her join a Shopaholic-group. She is later being publicly accused of not paying her debts live on a TV show and as a consequence loses her job. Though Luke is hurt that Rebecca has lied to him, he still finds her a source of inspiration.
Rebecca decides to sell all of her clothes, but hesitates over the green scarf. A blond woman and a woman talking on a telephone begin a bidding war over the scarf. The sale is a success, making it possible for her to repay her debt.
Rebecca and Luke come together, with Luke returning her the green scarf – he was the person behind both bidders. During the credits, Rebecca ends up working for Luke's new magazine, writing articles such as "Confessions of a Shopaholic".

March 16, 2009


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March 12, 2009


Pas tidur semalem rasa2nya aku gak mimpi yang aneh2 deh ... dan belakangan ini aku juga gak pernah ngomongin dia ... boro2 ngomongin .... nginget2 dia aja gak .... tapiiiiii pas tadi lunch di Pacific Place sama Devi ... lagi seru2nya cerita sambil makan ... eh tiba2 mataku menangkap sosok seseorang yang aku kenal banget ... aku langsung deg2an ... dia lagi ngomong di handphone .... yang aku tangkep dari body language-nya sih .. dia kayaknya lagi nyari orang ... janjian lunch juga deh kayaknya ... Secara fisik gak ada yang berubah di dirinya ... cuma rambutnya aja yang udah mulai ber-uban .... he he he ...

Anehnya nih ... aku tuh yang biasanya suka gak fokus alias gak ngeh liat orang .. kok ini bisa jelas banget aku ngenalin dia padahal jaraknya gak deket2 amat tapi gak jauh2 juga sih ... dan udah lama banget aku gak ketemu dia ... Setelah beberapa detik aku yakini kalo dia itu si "X" ... baru aku kasih tau Devi ... "Dev, Dev ... itu bukannya si "X" yah? ... Devi langsung ngeliat ke arah yang aku maksud ... "Iya" kata Devi ...

Langsung lah aku gelisah dan pikiranku jadi menerawang ke beberapa tahun silam ... walopun sebentar tapi dia cukup memberikan kenangan yang indah buat aku ...

Gak tau kenapa waktu itu aku suka banget lagu lama "I love you"-nya Sofie ... dan ternyata lagu ini juga lagu kenangannya Devi dan Agus (suaminya) ...

Since the day we met it seems like heaven came to me
i’ve got this funny sense of humor that delivers me
is it good or bad that i believe each word you say

it feel that nothing can go wrong in your company

i’m honest
not untauchable
i’m a woman but not free
i’m fighting for my honour and i’m not so quickly pleased

i’m honest
not untauchable
and i don’t like second touch
but i know that since the day i do it’s gotten out of hand
i love you….

don’t wonder how i know your name it’s wisphered by the breeze
and in a certain way it’s hypnotizing me
how can you size the space that we love in admiration
it is frightening it is something i can see


Ada beberapa teman yang mempertanyakan hubungan pertemananku dengan Devi ... hubungan yang wajar loh yah ... persahabatan antara 2 perempuan ... hm aku jadi pingin cerita ...

Tahun ini adalah tahun ke-12 aku berteman dengan Devi ... terus terang aja pertemanan kita gak selamanya berjalan mulus ... kadang ada perselisihan juga walopun jarang banget ... tapi Alhamdulillah kita dapat menyelesaikannya dengan baik dan tanpa diketahui oleh orang lain ... dan biasanya perselisihan kita tidak berlangsung lama ... karena aku type orang yang harus ngomong kalo ada apa2 .. makanya kita selalu membicarakan apa yang jadi uneg2 kita masing2 ... biasanya aku yang mulai, karena Devi termasuk orang yang pendiam ... tapi sebetulnya kalo kita sudah kenal baik dengan dia ... Devi banyak ngomong juga loh .. tapi tentu saja gak melebihi aku cerewetnya .. he he he ...

Saking dekatnya hubunganku dengan Devi ... sampe ada bule di kantor yang menjuluki kita "terrible twin" ... dan belakangan ini ada yang membicarakan kita lagi ... "Ewi dan Devi nih ... siapa mencintai siapa sih?" ... he he he ...

Kita (baca: aku dan Devi) selalu terbuka terhadap apapun ... sampe gaji kita pun kita saling tau ... kita punya apa kita juga saling tau ...
Gak hanya gaji sih ... PIN ATM pun kita saling tau ... bahkan salah satu PIN ATM-ku Devi yang mengusulkannya ... "ultahnya si XXXX, Wi, biar loe gampang ingetnya" ... he he he ... "iya yah, Dev .. secara gw pelupa" ... soalnya pas aku lagi bikin ATM itu ... aku lagi deket sama si XXXX itu ...

Kita juga saling melengkapi .. apa yang jadi kekuranganku adalah kelebihan di Devi .. demikian pula sebaliknya ... Apabila ada masalah kerjaan di kantor ... Devi-lah orang pertama yang aku cari .. karena dia yang tulus ikhlas membantu aku bahkan kadang tanpa diminta sekalipun ... Ada juga sih beberapa temen lain yang suka membantu aku ... tapi aku suka segen minta tolongnya ... kalo sama Devi aku lebih enak ngomongnya ...

Malah ada cerita yang menurutku cukup lucu ... Mantan bosku pun tau kalo Devi adalah contekanku di kantor ... gara2nya aku harus mengerjakan sesuatu ... dan aku inget banget Devi pernah ngerjain hal yang sama ... nah untuk mempercepat kerjaanku ... aku mau tanya Devi aja ... eh ternyata pas hari itu Devi gak masuk ... terus aku bilang ke bosku "Pak, besok gak papa yah .. kan gak urgent" ... dan tau jawaban bosku apa "Kenapa, Wi ... Devi gak masuk yah?" ... gubrak ... ternyata bosku yang pendiam ... ngeh juga ... tapi habis itu dia ketawa ... jadi kita ketawa sama2 deh ...

Terus terang dibanding Devi, aku gaptek ... makanya saat aku memutuskan untuk membeli laptop beberapa bulan yang lalu ... Devi-lah yang memilihkannya ... yang sesuai dengan kebutuhanku dan budget-ku ... Saat transaksi-pun Devi yang aku minta tolong untuk dengerin penjelasan/tanya2 ke sales-nya ... dan aku duduk manis disampingnya ... he he he ...
Nah suatu hari pas aku pergi aku bawa laptop karena ada yang harus aku kerjakan sama temenku yang lain lagi ... Tiba2 temenku tanya "Wi, laptop loe ada XXXXXX gak?" ... "Nah loh mati gw", kataku dalem hati ... Akhirnya aku terus terang aja ke dia "Bentar yah gw telpon Devi dulu" ... Temenku langsung ketawa ... "Yang punya laptop loe apa Devi sih?" ... Aku tau dia ngeledek karena temenku tau aku rada2 gaptek ... terus kita berdua ketawa ngakak deh ... Kebetulan dia kenal Devi juga ...

Kita saling meng-cover bukan urusan kerjaan aja ... masalah personal juga ... saat aku banyak diomongin orang (which is banyak gak benernya) ... Devi-lah yang membela aku dengan menyangkal bahwa itu gak bener ... Yah iyalah, Dev ... secara aku gak pernah cerita/ngomong apa2 tentang personal life-ku ke mereka tapi cerita yang beredar gila2an ...
Kalopun diantara omongan mereka ada yang bener 1 .. itu urusanku kan? Gak ada urusan sama mereka ... ngapain pada ribut sih??? Aku juga gak usil sama hidup mereka kok ...

Saat aku menjalin hubungan dengan seseorang ... Devi-lah orang pertama yang aku kasih tau ...
Saat aku harus berpisah dengan seseorang ... Devi juga orang pertama yang aku kasih tau ...
Saat Devi mau married aku lah orang pertama yang dikasih tau .. demikian pula saat dia hamil ... Maklum aja aku masih sendiri sampe saat ini ... sementara Devi sudah jadi ibu dari 3 jagoan ...
Anak2 Devi hanya mengenal aku "tante Ewi" sebagai temen Bunda-nya ... karena aku yang paling sering telepon ke rumah Devi ...

Kedekatan kita tidak menutup kita untuk menjalin pertemanan dengan orang lain ... selain dengan Devi, aku juga berteman (lumayan) dekat dengan beberapa orang lagi ... demikian pula Devi ... tapi sedeket apapun aku dengan Devi tapi kita tetap menjaga privasi temen deket (dalam hal ini cewek) kita yang lain .. dan itu kita saling hargai .... Sebagai contoh aku cukup dekat dengan "X" tetapi Devi gak ... maka apa yang "X" ceritakan ke aku .. hanya untuk aku aja ... Devi gak pernah paksa aku untuk menceritakannya .. demikian pula sebaliknya ...
Tapi tetep kalo kita ada masalah ato mau sharing sesuatu ... pasti yang aku cari Devi .. demikian pula Devi ... bukan cari temen deket kita yang lain ... soalnya aku dan Devi sudah saling percaya ... dan dijamin gak bakal nyebar ke-mana2 .. walopun tanpa bilang "jangan bilang2 yah" ...

Walopun aku belum married .. kalo Devi berkeluh kesah ... kalo aku bisa .. pasti aku bantu ... paling gak aku dengerin curhatannya ... karena aku punya beberapa temen yang suka sharing tentang masalah di rumahnya ke aku juga ... jadi aku bisa ambil pelajaran dari situ .. Insya Allah buat bekal kalo nanti aku married ...

Satu hal lagi yang menurutku lumayan penting .. he he he ... aku dan Devi sama2 suka jajan ... kebetulan makanan yang kita suka juga banyak samanya ....

Begitulah sedikit cerita tentang pertemananku dengan Devi selama ini ... Aku berharap ini akan selamanya ... dan aku tau pasti Devi menginginkan hal yang sama ...

Jadi kalo ada yang tanya "siapa mencintai siapa?" ... Jawabannya adalah "WE LOVE EACH OTHER" ...

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March 11, 2009


Waktu long week-end kemarin Lia sempet main ke rumah ... mau nengokin eyang, katanya ... pastinya sih dia gak dateng sendiri ... tapi satu rombongan sirkus itu ... he he he ...

Pas dia lagi tidur ... adik2nya (Harun & Hafie) diajak keluar sama bapaknya (baca: kakakku) ... nah tau sendiri donk apa yang terjadi pas dia bangun ... NGAMBEKlah dia ... Jadi untuk menghiburnya ... aku foto aja dia ... kebetulan dia juga banci foto ... he he he ... "turunan dari tante Ewi yah, Lia?" ... dan bener aja dugaanku ... dia langsung action dan gak ada muka juteknya lagi ...

Nih dia salah satu hasil fotonya .....

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March 10, 2009


Selain Righteous Kill, minggu lalu aku juga nonton Defiance ... tapi filmnya belum habis aku dah pulang ... ternyata filmnya agak panjang ... sementara aku ada janji lagi ... justru pas lagi menit2 terakhir aku gak nonton ... agak2 nyesel tapi gimana donk ...

The film opens with on-screen text stating: "A true story". It is August 1941 and Nazi forces are sweeping through Eastern Europe, targeting Jewish people. Among the survivors not killed or restricted to ghettoes are the Bielski brothers: Tuvia (Daniel Craig), Zus (Liev Schreiber), Asael (Jamie Bell), Aron (George MacKay). Their parents are dead, slain by the local police under orders from the occupying Germans. The brothers flee to the forest, vowing to avenge their parents.
They encounter other Jewish escapees hiding in the forest and the brothers take them under their protection and leadership. Over the next year, they shelter a growing number of refugees, raiding local farms for food and supplies, moving their camp whenever they are discovered by the Germans. Tuvia kills the local police chief responsible for his parents' deaths and the brothers stage raids on the Germans and their
collaborators, however Jewish casualties cause Tuvia to reconsider this approach because of the resulting risk to the hiding Jews. A long-time sibling rivalry between the two eldest brothers, Tuvia and Zus, fuels a disagreement between them about their future: as winter approaches, Zus elects to leave his brothers and the camp and join a local company of Soviet partisans, while his older brother Tuvia remains with the camp as their leader. An arrangement is made between the two groups in which the Soviet partisans agree to protect the Jewish camp in exchange for supplies.
After a winter of sickness, starvation, and constant hiding, the camp learns that the Germans are about to attack them in force. The Soviets refuse to help them and they evacuate the camp as German dive-bombers strike. A delaying force stays behind, led by Asael. The defense does not last long, with only Asael and another surviving to rejoin the rest of the group, who, at the edge of the forest, are confronted with a seemingly impassable marsh. They cross the marsh, but are immediately attacked by German infantry supported by a tank. Just as all seems lost, the Germans are assaulted from the rear by a partisan force led by Zus, who has grown disenchanted with the Soviets'
anti-Semitism. As the survivors escape into the forest, the film ends as on-screen text states that they survived another two years, ultimately growing to a total of 1,200 Jews. Original photographs of the real-life characters are shown, including Tuvia Bielski in his Polish Army uniform, and tells their ultimate fates: that Asael was killed in action shortly afterwards, but Tuvia, Zus and Aron survived the war and emigrated to America, and that the descendents of the people they saved now number in the tens of thousands.


Seminggu kemarin aku sempet nonton 2 film .. udah agak lama sih filmnya tapi aku baru sempet ....

The film opens with De Niro and Pacino shooting targets with pistols and machine guns while cracking jokes to one another. De Niro's character is a hothead nicknamed "Turk" while Pacino is his cooler partner "Rooster." De Niro is shown getting into an argument with an umpire during a children's baseball game and threatening suspects. At the same time, Pacino is seen defeating multiple opponents in chess.
The movie cuts to Turk staring into the camera confessing to the murders of 14 people. Turk's "confessions" narrate the story.
Turk and Rooster are working on taking down a drug-dealing club owner called Spider (50 Cent). They plant a wire on a female lawyer caught using drugs, purchased from Spider; wanting to catch him in the act. Spider becomes suspicious and finds the wire. Turk and Rooster rush into Spider's office and get her out, but not before Spider's bodyguard aims a gun at them and a shootout begins. Spider's man is killed and the lawyer gets shot as well. Turk handcuffs Spider and beats him until being pulled away by Rooster.
Turk and Rooster are ordered by their lieutenant (Brian Dennehy) to begin sessions with a therapist. The doctor gives the cops little notebooks to write down whatever feelings they have.
In court, a rapist is set free. Turk is furious and threatens the suspect. The next scene shows the rape suspect being shot to death in his apartment by an unseen assailant. The killer leaves behind a poem for the detectives to read as a clue. He is just the latest in a line of criminals who have been murdered with a poem left at the scene.
Also investigating the murders are Detectives Perez (John Leguizamo) and Riley (Donnie Wahlberg). There is tension due to Turk currently dating Perez's ex-girlfriend, Detective Karen Corelli (Carla Gugino).
Rooster concludes that due to the lack of struggle in all the recent murders, the killer could be a cop. Perez and Riley become receptive to the idea while Turk becomes upset.
Rooster and Turk look at a convict they had put away for similar murders, Charles Randall (Frank John Hughes), but it doesn't appear to be him. A flashback reveals that Randall was falsely convicted on a murder charge because Turk, despite Rooster's attempts to stop him, had planted evidence. He did so after Randall was acquitted of a murder that Turk was convinced Randall had actually committed.
Corelli realizes that Randall's conviction doesn't match up and takes it to Perez and Riley, who begin to suspect that Turk is the murderer. Turk suggests a possible suspect could be a former cop who was fired for corruption on the job. Perez and Riley investigate it but the man has an alibi. Perez and Riley take it to the Lieutenant, who shares their suspicions of Turk. Rooster is told to keep his eyes open and not to mention anything to Turk.
Rooster secretly invites Perez and Riley to a bar for a meeting. He brings along a woman who confesses to lying on the stand to protect Randall during his first trial. Randall had threatened to kill her if she did not. After she leaves, Rooster confesses to his own role in planting evidence against Randall, but he does not implicate Turk. Rooster agrees to work with Perez and Riley in investigating Turk, but is adamant that they will not find a thing.
Someone shows up at Perez's house and tries to shoot him. He suspects it was Turk, who is a crack shot. Tensions rise since Turk begins to suspect that Perez and Corelli have resumed their affair.
Turk and Rooster talk about their therapy sessions and notebooks. Turk admits that he has never even written a word, thinking of the entire thing as a joke. Rooster pulls his out and shows that he has been writing in the notebook all along, but refuses to show it to his partner. While at the bar, they see a Russian gangster named Yevgeny Mugalat (MMA fighter Oleg Taktarov) talking to associates.
Corelli heads home but is followed. She goes upstairs and calls Turk. Moments later there is a knock on the door and Turk is already there. Turk takes her gun away and asks her if she trusts him. She says yes. Turk demands that she get him information on everything Perez and Riley have on him.
Mugalat is shot and a poem is left behind. But when he survives, a guard is placed for protection outside of his door 24 hours a day because Mugalat has seen the killer's face.
Turk is called by Spider, who is out of jail. He tells Turk that he has information on the murder weapons no one else has. Turk agrees to meet up with Spider at his club. Spider is working as a mole for Perez and Riley and they are hoping to catch Turk in the act.
Corelli is beaten up and apparently raped by the killer. She goes to Mugalat, who is now awake, and shows him a picture of the man who assaulted her. Mugalat positively identifies him as the one who shot him.
Turk is meeting with Spider while Perez, Riley and Rooster watch everything on camera. Rooster still does not believe Turk is the serial killer and even bets the other cops money on it. Turk appears about to kill Spider, pulling out his gun and a special poem for him. The other detectives bust in. Rooster grabs Turk's poem and reads it aloud. It says he knew that the entire operation was a sting and laughs at Perez and Riley's obvious attempt.
A dejected Perez and Riley tell Turk that they are not done investigating him. Spider makes a phone call while Turk rests in a chair. Rooster briefly leaves the room, leaving his notebook on the chair (the same one that he wouldn't let Turk read earlier). Turk begins to read while in the background Rooster sneaks up behind Spider and shoots him in the head.
Rooster then points his gun at Turk and tells him to read the notebook out loud and look into the camera in Spider's office while doing it, which is where the footage of Turk confessing to the murders comes from; he is reading Rooster's confession into the camera. He says when Turk planted evidence to convict a suspect, Rooster lost faith in the system and in his partner. Rooster's name is also revealed to be "David Fisk" at this point; as the name is used in the video confession shown at the beginning (and during one of the murders), Turk and Rooster are always referred to by their nicknames up to this point.
Rooster tries to escape. Turk, who is unarmed, catches up and begs him to stop. Corelli arrives and wants to kill Rooster for raping her. Rooster taunts Corelli and then runs off. Turk takes her gun and begins to chase Rooster through the club, a mostly vacant warehouse. Rooster begins to fire at Turk, intentionally missing so Turk will have no choice but to fire back. Rooster recites a poem about his righteous kills and then says that they are going to need a 10/13 (officer down call) and points his gun at Turk, leaving him no choice but to shoot his partner several times.

March 06, 2009


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March 03, 2009

ISENG ......

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