November 30, 2009


Aku berkenalan dengannya pertengahan 2006 ... yah ± 3 tahun yang lalu ... "WIJA", itu nama samaran yang aku berikan untuk dia dan hanya temen2 deketku, Devi, Mira & Yani, yang tau tentang aku dan dia ... Kalo Devi yang paling up-date ceritanya ... kebetulan kita 1 kantor jadi hampir setiap hari ketemu ... Kalo Mira yang paling tau proses aku dan Wija berkenalan sampe kita deket sampe putus ... kalo kata BBB, putus nyambung putus nyambung ... Kalo Yani, lucu ... suatu hari dia pernah ngomong "Wi, Wija kan kependekan nama loe sama dia" ... Pas dia ngomong gitu, baru aku sadar, oh iya yah ...

Walopun aku dan Wija sama2 tinggal di Jakarta eh aku di Bekasi denk ... tapi kita jarang ketemu .... namun demikian kita sempet menjalin hubungan yang lumayan dekat selama 1 tahun ... setelah itu on off on off sampe sekarang ... karena aku ada komitmen dengan orang lain demikian pula dia ...

Setelah kita tidak dekat lagi ... maka e-mail/sms/telepon jarang banget kita lakuin ... terbatas pada ucapan selamat ulang taun, lebaran ato selamat yang lainnya ... kecuali kalo ada yang aku mau tanya, baru aku hubungi dia ... demikian pula dia ... Bahkan pernah sampe beberapa bulan kita gak ada komunikasi sama sekali ... JAUH DIMATA DEKAT DIHATI ...

Setelah lumayan lama kita gak ada komunikasi ... tiba2 seminggu terkahir ini dia udah 2 kali telepon aku ... padahal aku tau dia lagi gak di Indonesia ... Puncaknya jam 1 dini hari tadi dia telepon aku cukup lama ... dia cerita tentang segala macem dari A-Z ke aku ... sampe2 aku potong "Kamu nanti mahal loh bayar teleponnya. Kapan sih kamu pulang? Nanti aja kalo kamu udah di sini diterusin lagi ceritanya" ... Bukannya aku gak mau ditelepon lama2 ... walopun agak2 ngantuk toh aku tetep nyimak ceritanya dengan cukup baik ... dan akhirnya pembicaraan dini hari tadi kita akhiri ....

I don't like Monday ... bener2 deh hari ini .... dari pagi dah heboh banget ... mungkin Nova yang tau persis ke-heboh-anku pagi ini seperti apa ... Eh lagi heboh2 gitu, tiba2 HP-ku yang 0811-xxxxxx bunyi ... aku lihat dari siapa ... ternyata dari Wija ... mau gak dijawab, gimana ... mau dijawab, bos lagi gak bersahabat ... tapi hati kecilku bilang suruh jawab telepon dari Wija ... dan akhirnya aku jawab walopun sebentar banget ... Alhamdulillah dia ngerti banget dengan kondisiku yang masih menerima gaji ini walopun dia di posisi yang sudah membayar gaji ...

Wija, Wija, walopun jarak memisahkan kita ... walopun kita pernah berselisih ... tapi kenyataannya WE NEED EACH OTHER kan?


Setelah Ninja Assassin .. besoknya aku nonton NEW MOON ... mungkin filmnya bagus tapi karena aku gak nonton yang sebelumnya jadi gak ngerti ...

On her 18th birthday, Bella Swan wakes up from a dream in which she sees herself as an old woman. She expresses her distaste with growing older than her boyfriend Edward Cullen, a vampire who stopped aging at 17. Edward's adoptive family throws Bella a birthday party. While unwrapping a gift, Bella gets a paper cut, which causes Edward's brother, Jasper, to be overwhelmed by her blood's scent and attempt to kill her. Realizing the danger he and his family pose to Bella, Edward decides to end their relationship, and the Cullens move away from Forks, Washington.

Edward's departure leaves Bella heartbroken and depressed for months. However, when her father,
Charlie, attempts to send her to live with her mother, Bella agrees to spend time with her friends. After seeing a movie with Jessica, Bella sees a group of men who remind her of a time when Edward rescued her previously, and she is surprised to see a vision of Edward warning her against approaching them. Bella discovers that all thrill-seeking activities grant her visions of Edward. She also finds comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. When Jacob is unable to see Bella for weeks, she discovers that he is a werewolf, an age-old enemy of vampires. Jacob's pack members are on constant patrol for Victoria, a vampire searching to kill Bella, leaving Jacob little time to spend with Bella. Alone, Bella returns to seeking thrill-inducing activities.

A series of miscommunications leads Edward to believe that Bella has killed herself while cliff-diving. Distraught over her supposed
suicide, Edward flees to Italy to provoke the Volturi, a powerful coven of vampires who are capable of killing him. Alice, Edward's sister, and Bella rush to Italy to save Edward, and arrive just in time to stop him. However, the Volturi decide that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire herself. Alice stops them from killing her by showing them a vision of the future in which Bella has been transformed. Once they return home to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left town to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Edward and Jacob's dismay. Edward gives Bella a choice: either she lets Alice change her after their graduation, or, if Bella agrees to marry him, he will change her himself. However, Jacob reminds them of a treaty the Cullens have made with the werewolves: they will not attack each other, as long as the Cullens never bite a human.


Kegiatanku long week-end kemarin gak jauh beda sama week-end biasanya ... yaitu nonton ...
Tapi sebelum memutuskan untuk nonton NINJA ASSASSIN ini ... aku sempet ngambek sama dia ... habis tadinya janjiannya mau nonton NEW MOON ... eh pas the day-nya dia berubah pikiran ...
Yah udah lah aku pikir ... toh sebelum ini, dia udah ngikutin aku ... jadi gantian ... kan gak boleh egois ...
Dan gak nyesel juga sih nonton NINJA ASSASSIN ... dari awal sampe akhir ... seru dan darah di-mana2 ...

Raizo (Rain) is one of the world's deadliest assassins, having been kidnapped as a child and raised by the Ozunu Clan, believed by the world to be a myth. When Raizo's lover is executed by the Clan for betrayal, Raizo begins to harbor resentment towards the Clan. When his first task is given to him, he is told to execute one of his fellow members for the same reason his lover died. He rebels against them, nearly dying in the process, and goes into hiding, seeking revenge on his former Clan. Meanwhile, Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) is a Europol agent who investigates money linked to political murders and finds that it is linked to the Ozunu Clan. She defies her superior, Ryan Maslow (Ben Miles), and retrieves secret agency files to find out more. The clan, finding out about the investigation, attempts to assassinate her, but she is rescued by Raizo. Hiding in Europe, Raizo and Mika must find a way to take down the Ozunu Clan.

November 25, 2009

AKU ....


Karena satu dan lain hal, aku sama temenku yang biasanya meluangkan waktu untuk nonton pas week-end ... tapi tidak untuk week-end kemarin ... sebagai gantinya kemarin (walopun week-day) kita nonton juga ... kali ini film yang ber-genre drama komedi ... GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST ... dan senengnya lagi temenku udah mulai suka nonton film jenis2 seperti itu ... tadinya kalo aku ajakin nonton film drama komedi gitu suka banyak alasan ... inilah itulah ... maunya nonton film action aja ...
Finally, yah ... PEOPLE CAN CHANGE

The story concerns Connor Mead, a womanizing bachelor and high profile photographer with a disdain for marriage. After a routine photo shoot, Connor drives up to his family's estate for the wedding of his younger brother, Paul, to his girlfriend, Sandra. Connor soon encounters his former sweetheart, Jenny, and eventually manages to offend the majority of the guests with his views on romance and his attempts to convince Paul not to go through with the wedding.

Later in the evening, Connor visits the restroom and encounters the spirit of his late uncle, Wayne Mead, a former womanizer and Connor's mentor. Uncle Wayne tells Connor that he'll be visited by three ghosts and that he'll learn something about himself before the night is over.

Soon after, Connor goes to his room to meet one of the bridesmaids only to find the Ghost of Girlfriends Past, appearing to him in the form of an old high school girlfriend. Together, they revisit Connor's past relationships, particularly his childhood friendship and eventual romance with Jenny. After several weeks of dating, Connor and Jenny slept together with Connor becoming scared and leaving while Jenny was asleep, never looking back. When Jenny awoke to find Connor gone, she was visibly heartbroken. After being taken through the myriad of meaningless flings Connor had from that point to the present, he finds himself back in the present.

Following an altercation with the guests over Connor's (accidental) destruction of the cake and being shot down by Jenny after he poorly attempts to reconcile, Connor angrily storms out of the house and finds the Ghost of Girlfriends Present in the form of his assistant because even though she and Connor aren't dating, she is the only constant female figure in his life. She shows Connor how everyone is acting with him not around. Many of the guests endlessly put him down. Paul, however, speaks about how Connor looked out for him growing up and how he has hope that Connor will someday change for the better. Connor also sees Jenny, upset by a comment made by one of the bridesmaids, being cheered up by Brad, a fellow doctor that Paul and Sandra are trying to hook Jenny up with. Connor is upset that his actions and attitude are bringing the two closer, and even more distraught when he sees a trio of women that he had earlier dumped in a conference call bonding with his assistant over Connor's disregard for them.

Returning to the house, Connor finds Sandra angry and upset over an earlier revelation by Connor that Paul had had a previous fling with one of the bridesmaids, cheating on Sandra early in their relationship. Connor's attempts to mend the situation are hindered by Jenny as she defends Sandra's position. Paul, frustrated by the turn of events, tells Connor to leave.

Connor walks out to his car and finally encounters the Ghost of Girlfriends Future, a hauntingly beautiful woman who shows him a church where Jenny gets married to Brad while a lonely and unmarried Paul sits in the back of the church. Time fast forwards to an older Paul attending Connor's funeral. He is the only mourner. Uncle Wayne appears again and tells Connor that this is the path he chose before pushing him backwards into his own grave while all of his ex-girlfriends proceed to bury him.

Connor finally wakes up and is excited to greet the day until he learns that his brother's wedding has been canceled. Connor rushes to intercept the bridal party and manages to convince Sandra that she should forgive Paul and take him back, to which she happily accepts. That evening, Connor gives a speech about Paul and Sandra at the wedding, stating how much their parents would have loved her. He leaves the reception and finds Jenny in the backyard and once again tries to reconcile with Jenny, proving that he is serious by showing Jenny a picture of herself that he had taken as a child. Jenny is touched and kisses him. They are last seen dancing outside in the snow.

November 16, 2009


Akhirnya film 2012 ini main juga ... makanya begitu week-end dateng, aku dan temenku yang emang udah nunggu2 dan penasaran banget pingin nonton film ini ... langsung menuju cinema tempat kita biasa nonton .... Untung aja kita gak telat ... seandainya telat 10 menit aja ... ngantrinya udah kayak ular naga panjangnya bukan kepalang ...

Filmnya sih lumayan lah ... ada tegangnya ada sedihnya juga ... Selesai nonton film yang lumayan lama ini (± 2,5 jam) ... temenku tanya "emang kamu kepikiran kalo mau kiamat akan seperti itu?" ... aku jawab "yah gak lah, paling2 di rumah, zikir, baca2 doa"

In 2009, the sun emits a massive solar flare. American scientist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) travels to a copper mine in India to meet his friend, Satnam (Jimi Mistry), who has discovered that Earth's core temperature is increasing rapidly. Adrian returns to Washington D.C. and submits a report to Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt), who immediately takes him to see US President Thomas Wilson (Danny Glover). In 2010, Wilson tells other heads of state and heads of government the situation at the 36th G8 summit and the creation of a number of arks begin in preparation for the world ending. To fund the venture, billionaires are allowed a ticket for one billion euros.

In 2012, Jackson Curtis (
John Cusack) is a divorced father who works as a limousine driver and writer. His ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet) and their children Noah (Liam James) and Lily (Morgan Lily) live with her new boyfriend, plastic surgeon Gordon (Thomas McCarthy). Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone, where they meet Charlie Frost (Woody Harrelson), a radio show host and conspiracy theorist who believes in the Mayans' prediction of the world ending in 2012. The family return home as cracks begin to develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and earthquakes occur in the San Francisco Bay area. Despite government assurances that all is fine, Jackson grows suspicious and hires a private plane to rescue his family and Gordon. As the Earth's crust displacement begins, Jackson collects his family and escapes Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean.

As millions begin dying in apocalyptic earthquakes the world over, the group fly back to Yellowstone to collect a map from Charlie so they can try and reach the arks. They narrowly escape as the
Yellowstone Caldera erupts, killing Charlie who remains behind to watch. Realising the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas and meets up with Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov (Zlatko Buric), who Jackson works as a limo driver for. Karpov, his twin sons, girlfriend Tamara (Beatrice Rosen) and pilot, Sasha (Johann Urb) join the group as they head across the Pacific.

President Wilson meanwhile elects to stay behind in
Washington D.C., and dies when the carrier, the USS John F. Kennedy smashes into the White House, caused by a tsunami hitting the city, while Anheuser escapes with Helmsley and First Daughter Laura Wilson (Thandie Newton) on Air Force One, also bound for the arks. In the wake of the President's death, Anheuser appoints himself Commander-in-Chief.

Crash-landing in the Himalayas (which kills Sasha), Jackson and his family (along with Tamara) are deserted by Karpov, who has a ticket for himself and his sons onto the arks. However, the group is able to get aboard with the help of a
Buddhist monk, Nima (Osric Chau) and his brother Tenzin (Chin Han) who worked on the ark project.

Tsunamis begin to engulf the
Indian peninsula as heads of state, hand-picked individuals chosen to repopulate the Earth and the rich elite who bought the tickets begin boarding. Adrian realises they have much less time than anticipated and Anheuser orders the arks be sealed early, although in conference with other G8 leaders Adrian, quoting Jackson's book, manages to convince them to open the gates and let the remaining people on board.

Below decks Jackson's group is sneaking aboard, but as the gates open again, Gordon falls between two gears and is crushed. As the gates start to close once more, Yuri sacrifices his life to get his two sons on in time, and Tamara drowns in a compartment. Jackson realizes their entry into the ark has jammed the door mechanism, setting the entire ark on a crash course with
Mount Everest. Together with his son, Jackson fixes the problem in time for the ark to suffer only minimal damage from hitting the mountainside.

When the flood eventually recedes, satellite data shows that Africa rose in sea level and may not have flooded at all. As three arks set sail for the
Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family and Helmsley starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the world showing the dramatically changed African continent.

November 12, 2009


Tadi pagi pas di jalan mau ngantor ... seperti biasa aku dengerin radio g**fm ... dan diputerlah lagu ini ... lagu lama sih tapi aku suka dan masih enak didengar ... ini menurutku loh yah ...

ketika engkau datang
mengapa di saat ku
tak mungkin menggapaimu

meskipun tlah kau semaikan cinta
dibalik senyuman indah
kau jadikan seakan nyata
seolah kau belahan jiwa

meskipun tak mungkin lagi
tuk menjadi pasanganku
namun ku yakini cinta
kau kekasih hati

terkadang pintu surga
sukar dimengerti
semua ini kita terlambat

November 09, 2009


Setelah kupahami aku bukan yang terbaik
Yang ada di hatimu
Tak dapat kusangsikan
Ternyata dirinyalah yang mengerti kamu
Bukanlah diriku ..

Kini maafkanlah aku
Bila aku menjadi bisu kepada dirimu
Bukan santunku terbungkam
Hanya hatiku berbatas 'tuk mengerti kamu
Maafkanlah aku..

Walau ku masih mencintaimu
Ku harus meninggalkanmu
Ku harus melupakanmu
Meski hatiku menyayangimu
Nurani membutuhkanmu
Ku harus merelakanmu

Dan hanyalah dirimu
Yang mampu memahamiku
Yang dapat mengerti aku

Ternyata dirinyalah
Yang sanggup menyanjungmu
Yang ramah menyentuhmu
Bukanlah diriku..

November 03, 2009


Setelah cukup lama (hampir 7 tahun) aku gak ke Jogja .... eh 2 bulan belakangan ini, September dan Oktober, aku sempet ke Jogja walopun cuma sebentar ...

Berhubung mepetnya persiapan pergi kali ini (namanya juga mendadak), jadi aku gak bikin itinerary ... begitu sampe sana aku sama temenku bingung mau kemana ... Eh pas kita lagi menyusuri jalan Malioboro ... tiba2 ada Trans Jogja lewat ... temenku langsung ngajakin "kita naik Trans Jogja aja yuk, muter2 sesampenya aja dimana" ... Aku setuju aja daripada gak tau juga musti kemana dan ngapain ... Ternyata Trans Jogja yang kita naiki itu rutenya lumayan jauh ... hampir 2 jam kita muter2 hanya dengan membayar 3000 rupiah seorang ... kita sudah bisa me-lihat2 kota Jogja walopun gak semua wilayah terlewati ... Sayang aku gak sempet foto bus-nya ... yang pasti busnya lebih kecil dibanding Trans Jakarta ...

Aku sama temenku juga sempet jalan2 ke mall yang ada di Jogja ... Saphire Square (mall ini kebanyakan jualan batik2 gitu tapi masih banyak kios yang kosong juga sih), Plaza Ambarukmo (menurutku mall ini paling lumayan lah ... dan disinilah aku nonton THIS IS IT malemnya) dan ke Malioboro Mall (makanannya pilihannya lumayan banyak ... yang aku inget ada Pizza Hut, KFC, Texas Fried Chicken, J-Co) ... dasar Ewi yang diinget makanan aja ... dan aku sempet makan KFC disitu ... Jauh2 ke Jogja kok makannya KFC juga yah ... Oh yah aku juga sempet beli sesuatu disitu, tapi gak bisa diceritain ... too personal sih ...

Yang namanya jalan2, walopun sebentar, tetep aja kalo urusan belanja di-sempet2in ... he he he ...

Kebetulan hotel tempatku menginap masih berada di kawasan Malioboro ... jadi aku tinggal jalan kaki aja untuk menyusuri jalan Malioboro itu. Disitu aku beli kaos dan daster buat dipake sendiri juga buat oleh2 ... dan yang pastinya aku beli baju batik ... walopun cuma 1 ... tapi secara batik lagi booming ... itung2 buat nambah tumpukan baju batikku ... Kalo di-itung2 ada 4 kali deh aku menyusuri jalan Malioboro ... lumayan pegel juga sih ...

Selain kaos dan daster, aku juga beli bakpia buat oleh2 ... Beli bakpia ini aku baru lakuin pagi harinya sebelum aku balik lagi ke Jakarta ... Nah untuk menuju ke toko bakpia itu aku pilih naik becak ... sekalian muterin kota Jogja walopun gak semua terlewati sih ... tapi lumayan lah ... Sayangnya aku gak sempet naik andong ...

Muter2 naik Trans Jogja udah ... ke mall juga udah ... beli oleh2 juga udah ... saking bingungnya gak tau mau ngapain lagi ... temenku akhirnya ngajakin nonton ... he he he ... Di Jogja aku sempet nonton 2 film ... THE LAST LEGION sama THIS IS IT


The film is narrated by Ambrosinus, native to Britain, who knows of a legend concerning the sword of Julius Caesar, which was hidden away from evil men. It begins shortly before the coronation of Romulus as Emperor in 460.

Having traveled through much of the known world in search of Caesar's sword, Ambrosinus has then become Romulus's tutor. A Druid and part of a secret brotherhood protecting the sword, he at times gives the impression he is a magician, but his "magic" is just trickery. Romulus's father Orestes rules Rome but is not Emperor himself.

On the day before the coronation, Odoacer, commander of the barbarian Goths allied with Rome, demands a third of Italy from Orestes, but is rebuffed. The same day, Romulus meets the general of the Nova Invicta Legion, Aurelianus Caius Antonius, called "Aurelius".

The night after Romulus is crowned, Rome is attacked by the Goths. Most of Aurelius's men, pledged to protect the emperor, are killed, though Aurelius is only stunned and left for dead. Orestes and his wife are killed by Odoacer's lieutenant Wulfila, who captures Romulus.

Next day, Odoacer, now ruler of the Western Empire, plans to have Romulus killed. However, Ambrosinus convinces Odoacer to spare the boy. Instead, Romulus is exiled to Capri along with Ambrosinus, guarded by Wulfila and his men. His prison is a villa constructed more than four centuries earlier by the emperor Tiberius.

With Ambrosinus's help, Romulus discovers a hidden chamber within the villa. He comes across a statue of Caesar holding the fabled sword, forged by a Chalybian smith after his military campaigns in Britain. Writing near the statue's feet proclaims the sword was made for "he who is destined to rule". This is interpreted as a prophecy by various characters, and Romulus keeps the weapon.

The two are rescued from Capri by the loyal Aurelius and three surviving legionaries, accompanied by a female agent of the Eastern Roman Empire - a Keralite Indian warrior named Mira (trained in the martial art of Kalarippayattu). They take Romulus to a seaport where the Eastern Roman Empire's emissary (whom Mira works for) and the senator Nestor have promised safe passage to Constantinople. However, they barely escape after they learn the Senate and the Eastern Empire have betrayed them and sided with Odoacer.

Ambrosinus persuades Romulus to seek refuge in Britain, where the Ninth Legion (called the Dragon Legion) may remain loyal, being far from the events. They are followed by Wulfila and his men; the Goth covets Caesar's sword after learning the prophecy. Crossing the Alps and the English Channel, the party travels to Hadrian's Wall and initially find no evidence of the legion until a farmer approaches and reveals he was its commander. With the collapse of Roman support of Britain, the legion had decided to disband and settle as farmers. They also did not want to antagonize the powerful warlord Vortgyn.

Vortgyn also desires the sword of Caesar as he aspires to rule the whole of Britain. It is revealed that Vortgyn and Ambrosinus are old enemies. After meeting with the Goths, Vortgyn decides to either capture or kill Romulus as a gesture to Odoacer. Aurelius, wielding Caesar's sword, leads a few supporters against Vortgyn's forces at Hadrian's Wall. The battle appears hopeless until the rest of the Ninth Legion, having taken up their old Roman arms and uniforms, appear and turn the tide. The two warring sides cease their hostilities when Ambrosinus confronts and burns Vortgyn alive at a tree-sanctuary of his secret brotherhood near the battlefield. Romulus kills Wulfila with Caesar's sword, avenging his parents. He tells Aurelius that he fought like a dragon, whereupon Aurelius replies that Romulus fought like the son of a dragon.

Repulsed by the deaths in the battle, Romulus heaves away his sword which remarkably pierces a large rock and becomes lodged there. Many years later, Ambrosinus, now known as Merlin, takes a young boy to the battlefield to describe the now legendary events. Merlin, who has visibly aged little since the battle, says that Aurelius married Mira and raised Romulus as their own son, and Romulus became a wise ruler and adopted the name "Pendragon". The boy, Arthur, recognizes Romulus as his father.

With a final parting scene, the sword of Julius Caesar is shown embeded in the stone, with moss growing on the blade, covering the original inscription, leaving only the Latin letters which, when read as a single word, read Excalibur.


This Is It was a planned series of 50 concerts by Michael Jackson to be held at The O2 arena in London. They were scheduled to begin in July 2009 and continue through March 2010. Less than three weeks before the first show was due to begin and with all concerts being sold out, Jackson died after suffering cardiac arrest.

Jackson officially announced the concerts at a press conference held inside The O2 arena. AEG Live, the concert promoters, released a promotional video that took up an entire commercial break, setting a record for ITV. The shows were to be Jackson's first major series of concerts since the HIStory World Tour finished in 1997, and had been cited as one of the year's most important musical events. Over one million people would have attended in total. Randy Phillips, president and chief executive of AEG Live, stated that the first 10 dates alone would have earned the singer approximately £50 million. Originally only 10 concerts were announced, however public demand resulted in a 50 date sold out residency. Ticket sales broke several records and AEG Live stated that Jackson could have sold more dates. Jackson's album sales increased following the announcement.

In preparation for the concert series, the pop singer had been collaborating with numerous high profile figures, such as fashion designer Christian Audigier, choreographer Kenny Ortega and bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno. Prior to Jackson's death, Allgood Entertainment had planned to sue the musician for $40 million, claiming that he had breached a contract with them.

In light of Jackson's passing, AEG Live offered either full refunds to all ticket holders or a special souvenir ticket designed by the entertainer. Columbia Pictures acquired the footage of the show rehearsals and made a concert film entitled Michael Jackson's This Is It. The Jackson estate will get 90% of the profit made while the remaining 10% goes to AEG Live. Columbia Pictures guaranteed at least $60 million for the rights. To coincide with the release of the concert footage, an accompanying album (This Is It) is also scheduled for worldwide distribution.

Begitulah lebih kurang cerita perjalananku ke Jogja belum lama ini ... gak semua bisa aku ceritain ... ada yang aku keep sendiri juga ... walopun sebentar tapi cukup berkesan ... it's unforgettable ...