Sampe pas kita mau pergi nonton ... dan gak ada pilihan film lagi ... akhirnya IP MAN 2 inilah yang jadi pilihannya ...
Ternyata filmnya lumayan bagus ... ada pembelajaran yang bisa kita dapat dari film ini ... pertama, orang tuh gak selamanya selalu jadi nomer 1 ... kedua, orang boleh beda status sosial tapi untuk harga diri semua orang itu sama ... maksudnya, orang yang ber-status sosial lebih tinggi tidak boleh meremehkan orang yang ber-status sosial lebih rendah ...
Continuing from where the first film left off, Wing Chun master Ip Man and his family move to Hong Kong in the early 1950s after their escape from the Japanese. There, he desires to open a school to propagate his art, as well as make his living, but he has difficulty attracting students due to his lack of reputation in the city. One day, a young man named Wong Leung (Huang Xiaoming) appears and promptly challenges Ip to a fight to test him, but is easily defeated in a brief bout. Leung leaves humiliated, only to return with some friends to gang up on him. Ip beats them as well. Stunned and impressed by his skills, Leung and his friends become his first students, bringing more disciples to help the school thrive. Ip later encounters his old friend Chow Ching-chuen (Simon Yam), and his son Kong-yiu while out shopping; Chow had apparently suffered a gunshot wound to the head from the Japanese. As a result, he suffered brain damage that has affected his memories, leaving the pair of them destitute. Ip is saddened by his friend's fate and offers to help Kong-yiu take care of his father, providing him with a job at a newspaper agency run by a friend.
Meanwhile, Leung is caught pasting leaflets promoting Ip's school by some
Ip attends the ceremony and defeats his first challengers, and then strikes a
The boxing competition begins with the various martial art schools demonstrating their skills. However, the event's star boxer, Taylor "The Twister" Milos (
Wing-sing goes into